February 5, 2009

School Goody Bags...DONE!!

Well almost anyway. Ha! So here are the 'almost' finished treat bags for Rebecca's Valentines party next Friday. All that's left to do is add a little something on the 'heart candy' bags. I loaned my 'Love You Much' Stamp set to my girlfriend and I'm getting it back on Saturday. I've decided to just leave the bags themselves alone and not add too much. Hindsight 20/20, I really should've made these more for kids and not so mature (you know with the paper colors and such), but I was too excited to make them and too lazy to run out to Michael's and get paper. Oh well. Maybe the Moms will love them and book a party. (I stuck a business card on the bottom of them...is that tacky?!) Who cares...I need to book some parties! LOL!

I couldn't believe how easy these were to make. I just love the Top Note die. It is so versatile.

Teachers bag. Not much but it was fun to make. I've still got to get more New York Patty mints to fill it up more. I made two of these as she has 2 teachers who job share. And I have to admit that this is the very first box I've made so I'm quite proud of it.


Missy said...

I am jealous!!! I need to find more time in a day so I can do crafts. They are sooo cute and I am sure they will enjoy them.

HeatherB said...

I love them. That is a really wonderful thing you did for the kids and teachers! Nope, not tacky w/the business cards, just SMART! You go, girl!